PTA Resolves 99% of Telecom Consumer Complaints in September 2023

In September 2023, the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) fielded a total of 13,596 complaints from telecom consumers regarding various issues with telecom operators. The good news is that the PTA managed to resolve a staggering 99% of these complaints, amounting to 13,459 cases.

The complaints encompassed a broad spectrum of telecom services, including cellular mobile operators (CMOs), Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL), long-distance international (LDI) operators, wireless local loop (WLL) operators, and internet service providers (ISPs). The highest number of grievances were lodged against CMOs, with a total of 13,077 complaints, and an impressive 99.2% of them were successfully resolved.

A breakdown of specific CMOs revealed that Jazz received 6,117 complaints, with 99% of them addressed. Telenor saw 2,241 complaints, and 99.2% of those were resolved. Zong received 3,365 complaints, and 99.6% were addressed, while Ufone had 1,357 complaints, and a resolution rate of 97.8%.

In addition to CMOs, the PTA also received complaints about basic telephony and ISPs. Of the 125 complaints against basic telephony, 91.2% were resolved. As for ISPs, 94.8% of the 388 complaints were addressed.

Overall, the PTA’s ability to resolve these complaints showcases its commitment to ensuring a smooth and efficient telecom experience for consumers in Pakistan, particularly in the domain of mobile services, where a majority of the issues were reported. The data underscores the efforts of both the PTA and the telecom operators in promptly addressing consumer concerns.

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