K-Electric’s Vision: 30% Renewable Energy in Karachi’s Power Mix by 2030

K-Electric, the power utility serving Karachi, is embarking on an ambitious plan to enhance its transmission and distribution infrastructure while embracing renewable and indigenous energy sources. This initiative, known as the Power Acquisition Program (PAP), spans from the financial year 2023-24 to 2029-30 and aims to ensure reliable and sustainable energy supply for Karachi’s growing demand.

The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) recently held a public hearing to discuss K-Electric’s PAP, focusing on the long-term expansion of the company’s capacity and the integration of renewable resources. This plan complements K-Electric’s significant Rs. 484 billion investment in strengthening its transmission and distribution networks.

The PAP underscores the gradual integration of up to 2,200 MW of renewable energy, including solar, wind, and hydel projects, in line with NEPRA and government regulations. This initiative is vital because it anticipates a 2% annual growth in Karachi’s peak energy demand, reaching 5,000 MW by 2030, serving 5 million customers. K-Electric is determined to ensure that 30% of its energy generation comes from renewable sources.

To bring these projects to fruition, K-Electric is collaborating with various stakeholders, including the World Bank, the Sindh Energy Department, the Government of Balochistan, and other large-scale power sector developers.

The approval of the Power Acquisition Program is a significant step in K-Electric’s Multi-Year Tariff (MYT) process, demonstrating its commitment to best practices and the evolving landscape of the power sector in Pakistan. This initiative not only secures Karachi’s energy future but also contributes to the nation’s sustainable energy goals.

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