Affected Citizens in a Desperate Scramble as CDA’s Plot Files Vanish

A startling scandal has erupted as the Capital Development Authority (CDA) in a national daily report revealed that they have shockingly misplaced the original plot files of numerous citizens. This development has left affected citizens in a state of confusion and desperation as they are now forced to run from one department to another to get their property ownership transferred.

The CDA oversees two types of plots: those sold during auctions and those allotted to affected individuals, which were later sold in the open market. The affected individuals were given plots by the CDA after the authority acquired their existing ones. According to sources within the federal authority, the land directorate has no records of the plots allotted to these individuals, suggesting possible fraud or irregularities in the files.

The consequences are dire for those who purchased these plots, as they now face problems due to the absence of records. Serious allegations have been leveled against CDA officials, accusing them of making files disappear with the help of property dealers until they have their own people in key positions for approval.

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To get to the bottom of this scandal, the Federal Investigation Authority (FIA) has been brought in to investigate plots allotted from 2017 to 2023. Some CDA officials are suspected of trying to tamper with evidence by removing files from official records.

In response to the crisis, CDA has established a seven-member committee, approved by Chairman Anwarul Haq, to investigate the matter. The committee will include representatives from the Intelligence Bureau (IB) and FIA, as well as top CDA officials, in an effort to uncover the truth behind this alarming situation.

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